A specious platter of charity


The concept of charity is very much antithetical to the fine principles on which the foundation of modern society should lie.

Since charity mostly comes from the excess earned of exploitation by a few at the peril of a majority, it is something to be detested for the plausible bait it invariably is.

While donors feel pride in their ability to flaunt magnanimity to fellow beings, what ideally overwhelms the recipients is the feeling of trivialness of life.

If ever you looked into the eyes of a donee, you could see the helplessness therein at once.

Thus, with all its subtle unsocial elements, charity is just a that far and no more story.

Donees will feel that they are destined to be at the mercy of the donor. However, the DNA of slavery deep inside the bones will never let them grasp the actual chemistry of this unsocial dirt.

They will never realize what they get is not the largesse of anyone, or what is bestowed upon them in the name of charity is way below what they deserve as their rightful share in society.

They will never understand what society offers them as charity won’t even make up for the unclaimed, accumulated interest it owes to them for ages.

In a way channelizing a portion of the loot back to its original owners is snobbishly called charity.

That said, the purpose of social justice is served best when it is delivered immediately. In this, of course, the struggles of the living ones get preference over the unborns.

So, we decided to work as a platform for several organizations that wanted to help people reduce their suffering from the loss of jobs and income because of COVID lockdowns.

Our platform, thus, helped thousands of families get basic food materials in several places in the country.

Hundreds were given financial help ranging Rs 5,000 to 7,000 a month for some months.

These pics are from some of such events we organized in these months.

We did not click pics that will reveal the identity of receivers of so-called charity.

